Apartment Decor Ideas

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Apartment Decorating Ideas

Whether you are in a temporary rental space or in your apartment home, just because you have a landlord doesn’t mean you can’t make it look like your own. Obviously you won’t be knocking down walls and remodeling but you can get creative with your furniture and home decor.

Create a theme or focal point

Often an apartment comes with very little charm and quite often not much of a view. White or beige walls can seem a bit boring but with some imagination you can fix that right up. I find that Photography is very effective in apartment living. Because we need a focal point and we don’t have a great view, I like to use a piece of Landscape Photography to set the mood. You can mount a large photograph of a nature scene, beach scene or cityscape in the middle of your living room and turn your apartment into a destination. An amazing photo of a luscious landscape full of color will make any apartment come alive. Like the city? Display a picture of the New York City Skyline at night.

The possibilities are endless.


You usually can’t paint the walls when you are renting an apartment, so you have to get your color somewhere else. Window treatments such as curtains can be a great source of color for any room. You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg either. If you are using hand me down furniture or don’t have the budget for new, you can always color your couch with a cover or use colored fabrics on an end table to match and compliment the colors between curtain, couch and table.

Another reason Photographs are so great is that you can easily match a landscape scene or cityscape to any of the colors and accessories you already have. It’s not like finding a painting that doesn’t go with anything you own and have to build the room around it from scratch to make it work. You can find a photo on any topic in a range of colors.

I would also recommend the 3 panel triptych photo format because it tends to blend better with the room. The three equal sized frameless panels display more like a collection of pictures and have a softer effect in the room than a large framed piece of art which can be over powering.


A big problem with apartment living is space or more accurately the lack of space. I think that there is a tendency to use more decorative items in a small space to make it seem warmer when less really is the answer. Well placed furniture, wall art and decor items with complimentary colors will make a room feel much larger and more elegant than a bunch of clutter any day.

So remember, Create a Focal Point – Choose your colors – Less is More


Source by M. S. Adams

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