Amethyst (Jamunia) Gemstone

Amethyst is a member of the Quartz mineral family and is a semi-precious stone with a violet hue. It is worn as an astrological replacement for blue sapphire to get over financial strain, unstable employment, and bad habits.

Who should wear amethyst?

Saturn is linked to the gemstone amethyst, which in Hindi has the names Jamuniya, Katela, and Ketela. It is worn to bolster a person’s weaker Saturn and to take advantage of its advantageous astrological placement.

According to Vedic astrology, the Makar (Capricorn) and Kumbh (Aquarius) rashis should practise Jamuniya ratna.
According to Western astrology, Pisces has an amethyst birthstone.
Additionally, Gemini, Virgo, and Taurus can wear amethyst.

Benefits of Amethyst

Amethyst is very beneficial for increasing wearer’s productivity because of its well-known ability to calm restless and distracted minds.

Treats Addictive Behavior

Amethyst has been widely used for treating human self-destructive and addictive tendencies since ancient times. This gemstone can undoubtedly help those who are dependent on drugs, alcohol, or smoking kick their habits.

Rebuilds Broken Relationships & Lost Fortunes

Amethyst can bring back missed opportunities, assisting the wearer in regaining material comforts and financial security as well as mending damaged or lost relationships.

Calms Stressful Minds

Amethyst is extremely helpful in treating insomnia, anxiety, fear, and depression because it can calm weak, fragile, and anxious minds. When it comes to enhancing the wearer’s capacity for meditation and mental focus, amethyst benefits far outweigh those of any other gemstone.

Removes Mental Blocks

Amethyst jewellery can clear the way for the emergence of logical and creative solutions by reviving blocked or stagnant minds. As a result, academics, researchers, and scholars frequently turn to amethyst as a success stone.

Enhances Bone, Hair, and Teeth Health

Some of the widely acknowledged therapeutic advantages of amethyst in complementary medicine include detoxification and cellular regeneration. Additionally, it is worn to treat paralysis, bone cancer, and arthritis.

Prices of Amethyst

Amethyst is widely used in jewellery due to its hardness (Moh’s scale: 7) and availability in nature. The colour has a bigger impact on the price than other factors do. Origin, cut, and clarity do, however, have some bearing on its prices. In India, the cost of amethyst per carat typically ranges from 150 to 400 rupees ($2 to $7).


Brazilian amethyst costs between R$300 and R$400 per carat ($4 to $6), which is typically more expensive than stones from other origins due to their superior color quality. African amethyst can also fetch a respectable price due to its superior clarity, although this can vary from stone to stone.


Amethyst’s price is largely determined by its colour. Amethyst that is deep purple with a hint of red and blue is more expensive than gemstones that are too light or too dark. Color zoning or an uneven colour distribution may be able to slightly lower the price of amethyst per carat.


There are hardly any noticeable inclusions in amethyst. Although they can lower the amethyst’s overall value when present, they might resemble reddish-brown needles or L-shaped bands.

Shape and Cut

A gemstone with a fine cut not only reflects colour and light better but can also deftly hide inclusions. Due to the stone wastage incurred during the process, faceted gemstones are more expensive than cabochons. Similar to how square or other customised shapes are more expensive, round and oval shapes are less expensive if overall quality is maintained.

Weight in Carats

Amethyst is a precious gemstone, but it is also widely distributed in nature. Because of this, the price of amethyst may not increase exponentially as it relates to carat weight.


Amethyst is less susceptible to profit-making strategies like synthetic processing or treatments because it is widely available. It might still be subjected to color-enhancing or fracture-filling procedures, though. Natural amethyst typically has a higher value and is more astrologically compatible than synthetic or treated amethyst. We advise our customers to purchase authentic, certified amethyst online or from reputable dealers in order to ensure value for money.

Amethyst Grade

Amethyst’s colour serves as the primary indicator of its quality. However, prior knowledge of other factors can assist our customers in making the best decision and choosing the best quality Amethyst gemstone to purchase online based on their preferences.


Russia, Zambia, India, Brazil, Myanmar, Madagascar, Mexico, and Sri Lanka are among the countries where amethyst mines have been found. However, African amethyst is incredibly popular due to the deep purple hue it is known for. Due to their reasonably saturated raspberry purple color, amethyst from Zambia and Brazil are two other well-known amethyst origins.


The color of amethyst can range from pale pink-violet to dark purple. The best amethyst is completely devoid of color zoning and exhibits vividly saturated purple color (with or without red tints). The gemstone shouldn’t be too light so that the color is muted or too dark so that it appears black in dim light. The quality and overall value of amethyst can be slightly lowered by brown tints and color zones, so one should take special care to avoid them.


According to clarity standards, amethyst is classified as a Type- 2 gemstone, meaning it is inherently cleaner than other precious gemstones. However, inclusions in amethyst typically take the form of needles or L-shaped bands when they are present. Transparent amethysts radiate light and color more effectively than translucent stones do. Generally speaking, the quality of amethyst improves with decreasing inclusions. When purchasing amethyst online or from dealers, it is not worth compromising on the clarity aspect because it is easily accessible in nature and reasonably priced.

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