Teamwork Begins: With Overcoming The Assumption That Conflict Will Not Be Present

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“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”

~ Andrew Carnegie

What is it like to be a part of a healthy team or work environment? What is the roadmap for an effective team? Can a group of people with different personalities get along and work productively? How does the leader mobilize to keep everyone on the path of success and away from conflict?

How do you define a team? “A number of persons associated together in work or activity”.

A team can be defined as a group of individuals who are committed to a specific goal or purpose for which they are mutually accountable. High function teams recognize they can be productive when they work together and remove the “I” from teamwork. Effective teamwork is fundamental to achieving clear results. Research studies and expert opinions have noted teamwork increases effectiveness. Teams are more probable to achieve more than individuals. Attainment of the collection of skills and knowledge from a number of individuals contribute to a team’s foundation.

Teamwork begins with overcoming the assumption that conflict and disagreements will not be present. It has been known that no two individuals think the same, despite how much they have in common. Instead of seeing conflict as a threat, we should view conflict as an opportunity of growth for individuals. The aim is to provide teams and individuals with the knowledge to work together in harmony by improving their teamwork skills. Leaders, who understand the value of a healthy workplace that thrives with minimal employee conflicts, also recognize that conflict resolution is a necessary component of the workplace and when conflicts go unaddressed, they have a negative impact on the team and individuals.

An effective team is vital to the quality of work productivity. Managing an organization can be distressing, if not approached with the proper tools and knowledge. Positive communication can improve relationships and build trust. The opposite is also correct negative communication can weaken bonds and create mistrust. The aim is to reduce conflict caused by the lack of proper communication. A framework of positive management approaches is essential when challenged with individual behaviors, and providing equity and impartiality are crucial.

A successful team requires a strong foundation. The essential components are leadership, cohesion, accountability, and resources. The leader provides stability of action by empowering the team with clear communication of the goal, overcoming team objections, providing resources, and group inspiration. Helping teams perform effectively requires the understanding that team formation takes time. Whether your team is temporary or permanent by understanding the stages and the journey you will enhance its productivity.


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Source by Terri Harmon Ph.D.

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