Group Therapy or Personalized Coaching? The Sooner You Know the Better

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At the beginning of the group designing process, the individuals have to go through a psychiatric interview and mental status examination to make the group workable. In the examination or the interview stage, the psychiatrist tasks on a number of tasks. These tasks include assessing patients’ reliability as well as establishing rapport. It is also during this period that goal establishment takes place followed by development of a collaborative doctor-patient relationship. Collection of pertinent psychiatric history data, assessment of the patients’ safety and development of an emergencies plan are tasks undertaken hand in hand during the psychiatric interview. During the interview, all parties involved maintain appropriate boundaries. Another important task that takes place is the monitoring of the emotional intensity between the parties involved and ensuring empathic communication (Yalom & M, 2005).

The type of group created depending on the characteristic of the individuals. In this paper, group to be created is a multifunctional therapy group. This group is about six to eight people. The choice of the group population is based on the usefulness of numbers. This usefulness is applied off session during which the different individuals take part in discussions. The group is open. Therefore, more members can join in making recovery easier. The topic involved for the group is drug and substance abuse. Since the topic brings together most of the individuals.

For effective and efficient goal realization, the group is set out to meet at least twice a week. Each group meeting will have a different agenda and will make use of the communication systems established during psychiatric interviews and mental status examination. The rules established to make mobilization and team management easy include implementation of proper time management practices, respect for other people’s opinions and willingness to learn. Since all participants need to feel comfortable and well communicated to ethical considerations are put in order to ensure that all individuals are catered for. The purpose of the ethical consideration in the group is also to ensure proper behavior management among the individual, the ethical considerations as well as the rules also reduce on conflicts within the group and incase of occurrence of conflict, the conflict resolution process is made easier since there are guidelines to follow.

The group is expected to last for a minimum of six months, which equals the period for the respective treatments. Since it is a group of many people, the success of the group depends on the effectiveness of the facilitator. There are different facilitation styles that could be used in such instances. The most effective style is team involvement. This ensures that everyone takes part in the progress of the team and is an active participator. In such cases, the individuals feel empowered and responsible for the team thus their commitment levels improve drastically.

To assist in effective relationship and rapport building some activities need to be undertaken right after mental status examination and psychiatric examination. The interview questions as well as the examination questions are part of the rapport creation. The kind of answers given by the individuals indicates the trust built in the therapist. The question should be both general and personal to ensure that the therapist knows enough about the individual’s psychiatric history to be able to assist is problem solving.

The general purpose of these questions is to ensure thorough productivity as well as identify suicidal and homicidal ideation in the individual. The questions also lead to identification of abstract thinking and the thought content of the individual as well as the perceptual disturbances the individuals go through. These questions also serve to identify the orientation as well as the issues at hand have affected the individual. These general questions include “who is the president of the United States? Who was president before him? Who will be the next president after him? Although this sort of question may not seem relevant the therapist has the mandate to carefully choose and select the questions, they assess the individual’s concentration and attention during the interview as well as the how in touch with the world the individual is (Yalom & M, 2005).

The questions also rely on the individuals’ educational level as well as cultural background otherwise the individual feels left out and the relationship formed would be dysfunctional. In case poor relationships are formed, many irresolvable conflicts arise. These conflicts include the individual being uncooperative during the whole process and thus miscommunication or poor communication.

To ensure complete trust in-group work, there is need to incorporate the confidentiality form. This ensures the rule that what happens in the group stays in the group. The purpose of the form is to ensure honesty. Issues to address in the confidentiality form are issues that help build trust and ensure honesty. Each individual signs the forms, which stipulate each party’s obligations and the periods in which the agreement is effective. It also explains the form of relationships and the severability as well as the integration and the do’s and don’ts of the relationships.

General the working of the group is dependent on the relationships formed among the group members. The theoretical orientations that can be implemented include psychodynamic-relational therapy; solution focused brief therapy and self-regulation therapy. All these seem to work in the same way as they are all based on finding solutions to problems. The most effective theoretical orientation method is the psychodynamic relational therapy since it is based on the emotional well being of the individual. This form also works on restoring and satisfying mutual relationships.

The group therapy effective apart from being dependent on relationships created also depends on the effectiveness of the sessions delivered. Since each individual has different needs not focusing on one individual need goes a long way in delivery. Spiritual realities should also be considered and in most cases avoided.


Yalom, I. D., & M, L. (2005). The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. In I. D. Yalom, & L. M, The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. New York: Basic Books.


Source by Babak Max Karimbeik

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