3 Ways to use Gratitude to make your life better and more enjoyable
What if I told you that there was you could make your life more less stressful and more enjoyable by making a simple change to your daily choice. The truth is that every time you interact with others you can choose to either live in gratitude or live in bitterness. Here are 3 ways to use gratitude to make your life better and more enjoyable!
Remember that when you chose bitterness, you close mind to others and to possibilities for relentless life changing transformation that can affect your health, your relationships and your ability to succeed in your encounters and projects. Here are 3 ways you can do better by choosing gratitude!
First of all do something for others when they least expect it. It could be something as simple as doing the dishes or washing the car or mowing the lawn. When they tell you thank you, you shall feel enriched, energized and unstoppable! It could be something as simple checking on others to know how they are doing. This has even greater impact when do for others that which they cannot do for themselves.
Secondly, give a donation in their name to a worthy cause. Find a charity that the object of your gratitude feels a strong connection to and make a donation in their name. Send them a quick note to let them know about it. If the person is a veteran donate to charities that take care of wounded soldiers. if the person loves to help out the homeless, donate to charities that help the homeless.
The third way to use gratitude to make yourself better is to become a good listener. Pay extra close attention to what others are is saying when they speak to you. Because most people are so used to others paying them little or no attention, when you actively listen to others, you will be rewarded by positive energy and re-enforcement. People will go out of their way to pay attention to you, to make your are not misunderstood or falsely accused. This type of community support will help you swim with blessed assurance in the ocean of life.
Finally make the choice to have gratitude whether the situation calls for it or not.. Take a little time to show gratitude to those you encounter every day whether they deserve it or not. The more you do this, the more you will discover yourself living in happiness and peace.
Source by Chio Ugochukwu