5 Tips That Help You Pick An Awesome Ski Lodge Every Time

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Planning a ski vacation can be a stressful process, especially when considering the many lodging options available. One of the most crucial aspects to a ski trip is, in fact, choosing the appropriate ski lodge. Take a look at the following five tips to help you pick an awesome ski lodge every time:

1. Look for a ski lodge that accommodates your particular party.

It is important to realize with whom you will be traveling. Will your family accompany you? Will your party include children? Lodging options vary widely and finding the perfect fit depends upon the size and age group of your party. Choosing a ski lodge that offers condominium-style apartments, as well as hotel rooms and larger living arrangements can suit just about anyone’s needs. When in doubt, simply call the prospective company and tell them about your travel party. A lot of hotels have privately owned and leased rooms, so chances are, you will be able to find something to accommodate your particular needs.

2. Consider a condominium-style hotel, regardless of your budget.

Some ski lodges are based around a business model wherein different companies and individuals own separate units within the hotel. This is a great option for travelers, regardless of their budget. These types of lodges offer a variety of rooms, including lofts, condominiums, suites and rooms. Generally, this type of hotel will have something for everyone. Look online for reviews of individual rooms, as opposed to the ski lodge in general, as all rooms are not equal.

3. Pay attention to the amenities offered.

When planning your trip, it is important for you to decide whether you are searching for a rugged mountain experience or a luxurious getaway. Search online and call in person to preview the amenities available at a resort. Amenities are perks, which hotels offer visitors and can include swimming pools, nearby spas, Jacuzzis, rides to the ski lifts, etc. Bonus tip: Do not rule out certain options just from online searches; call the manager and ask about things that you feel will be important to you.

4. Scope out available activities.

If you are planning a ski trip, chances are, you will be interested in the ski atmosphere, such as the ski slopes, lifts and weather conditions. It is, of course, important to find a ski lodge within close proximity to a great ski site. However, to truly enjoy your vacation, do not neglect other available activities in the area. Most likely, you will not want to hit the slopes every day you are present. Most people need a good break, if only for a few hours. Check out the extracurricular activities in the area, including festivals, spas, historical sites and hiking. An area rich in history can be a great option for travelers.

5. Don’t Forget About Day Trips

Much like tip number four, many people are surprised to find that some areas offer great options for day trips, which can be a welcomed break from the physical exertion of skiing. Check with the concierge or management of any potential ski lodges to determine opportunities in the area for a great day trip. Taking a step off the beaten path can lead to some fantastic memories; don’t be surprised if a day trip becomes the hi-light of your ski trip!


Source by Kaitlyn LaPenn

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