Any person who’s invited to speak to a group of people may find himself wondering what to speak about. If you are a beginning speaker this is a more common challenge than an experience speaker who is typically asked to speak on their area of expertise.
This will especially apply if you’re in a Toastmasters group or other similar group where you there mainly to hone your public speaking skills. Often you’ll be required to speak on a topic that you’re not intimately familiar with. So where to you come up with speech ideas?
One way is to sit down with a series of questions and use them as thought-starters.
Take some time to review these 18 questions and see if you aren’t a little closer to coming up with some speech topics that are close to your heart:
- What inspires you?
- What motivates you?
- What do you spend time at during the day?
- What do you know a lot about?
- What could you be considered an expert at?
- What do you enjoy writing about?
- What do people call you to talk about?
- What kinds of conventions or tradeshows do you attend?
- What would you do if you knew you would succeed?
- What is your avocation?
- What is your hobby?
- What interests you?
- What topics do you enjoy reading about?
- What topics do you enjoy seeing other people speak about?
- What public TV programs do you gravitate towards?
- What kinds of movies do you watch?
- What do you think is most important for teens to learn?
- What one thing would you like to tell the world before you leave it?
By examining these questions – and your answers – you can find several key topics that inspire you; topics that you’re passionate about, knowledgeable about, interested in and know enough about to put together a great speech about.
So what are you waiting for? Start brainstorming and answering those questions and you’ll soon find your way to more speech topics than you thought possible.
Source by Tim Gordon