Use Your Individual Learning Style to Develop Your Texas Holdem Poker Skills

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Whether you are just learning how to play Texas Holdem Poker or are an experienced veteran at the poker tables, learning and/or improving your poker skills is an ongoing process. This learning process will be easier and more effective if you know and understand your individual learning style. Your Individual learning style involves the natural process by which you most easily acquire and then remember new information and knowledge. Educational research has identified three basic Learning Styles. They are Auditory, Visual and Tactile sometimes called Kinesthetic.

The name of each Learning Style pretty well defines the Learning Style. The Auditory Learning Style relates to hearing and Listening. The Visual Learning Style involves the eyes through seeing and viewing. The Tactile, or Kinesthetic, Learning Style involves touching and feeling. As you can see each of these Learning Styles involves at least one of the five senses Hearing, Seeing, Touching, Smelling and Tasting. Early learning in infants is totally sensory as the baby is bombarded by sensual stimuli. The baby’s sensory receptors gather this sensory date in huge amounts developing a complex system of neuron pathways that carry information to the brain. Initially Taste and Smell play a very significant role in the baby’s learning. Baby’s first learning occurs through hearing, smelling and seeing as it forms its bond with its mother. Taste lets baby make its first real choices by accepting or rejecting food. Taste and Smell continue to play an important role in learning throughout lifelong learning primarily through pleasure and avoidance. Pleasant smelling and tasting items are to be sought after while foul-smelling or tasting items are to be avoided. Seeing, Hearing and Touching are the basis for acquiring the majority of the higher level learning that occurs throughout childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Individuals develop a sensory preference for acquiring and remembering new information which then determines their individual Learning Style.

Auditory Learners learn best by hearing and listening. They understand and remember things that they have heard. Visual Learners learn by reading and viewing images. They understand and remember things by sight. The Tactile Learner learns and remembers best when their learning process involves touching and doing, where physical activity is part of the learning process. These Learning Styles come into play in any situation where new knowledge or skills are being introduced.

For the beginning poker player the learning curve is much greater than for the experienced poker player. The beginning poker player is being introduced to a new vocabulary, new processes and new problem solving skills. The experienced player is building upon already acquired knowledge and skills. Both of these groups of poker players have the best chance of assimilating their new knowledge if they use the learning processes that best suits their natural systems for acquiring and retaining knowledge. As each individual accumulates new knowledge and new skills they develop a sensory preference for gathering and retaining this sensory data. That preference is their individual Learning Style.

In part 2 of this article, we will explore the Auditory Learning Style to determine what the individual who is an Auditory Learner can do to ensure optimum success from their learning experiences. We will look at the processes that will be most effective and the types of learning materials necessary to accomplish their learning tasks with the best chance for success.


Source by Chris Massini

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