Trust in Courtship

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If your marriage must be successful, there must be an elements of trust. This can only be initiated in courtship before it flows into the marriage:

1. Be Best of Friends: It is impossible for someone to trust his enemy. You can only trust your friend. If you want to build trust in your courtship, then you need to be best of friends. I mean intimate friendship. Beware of somebody you can talk to or approach freely. Ability to build friendship will enables you to build trust between you.

2. Reveal Your Past: Before you go into marriage, endeavour to reveal your past to one another. Reveal your past now lest it makes your relationship a past tense.

3. Lie – Not: To build trust, lie not even if it is ugly, shameful or disgraceful. No matter what happens, tell the truth, face the shame now, it will not last long compared to when the truth expose you. Be truthful in all things. Always remember that one lie will destroy the trust you have built over the years.

4. Hide nothing: What destroy trust most often is the unveiling of hidden facts called secrets. If you have nothing to hide, you will have nothing to fear. Love is open while lust and infatuation. Do not lie about your financial ability; open up let him or her know your financial weight.

5. Talk Through: Never belief or hide any negative information relayed to you about him. Instead call him and talk through with a positive mind even if he or she offends you, do not report to a third party. Call him or her, talk through, discuss together and settle in the spirit of love.

6. Demonstrate Acceptance: To trust, you must accept his or her person. Demonstrate acceptance instead of rejection; accept everything about him or her.


Source by Bisi Adewale

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