The Art of Reading Tarot Cards

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It is commonly believed that tarot cards first appeared between 1430 and 1450 in Milan, Ferrera and Bologna. In 1440 the Duke of Milan wrote a letter that requested the receiver to bring special ‘triumph’ cards which are believed to be different from the normal playing cards.

Though it has been around since the 15th century, it was only after the late 18th century that Tarot reading expanded to divination and guided meditation.

The history of Tarot is still unknown and every deck has its own meaning attached to it, however usually most of them follow a story of human life depicting the ups and down and the choices we make, the Origin of tarot has the influence of several cultures associated with it primarily the Egyptian( Book of Thoth which was the only book the survive in the burning of libraries has 78 leaves conforming to the doctrines of the ancient Egyptian reiterated in the book by Paul Christian,’ The History and Practice of Magic’. The other cultures which also influenced it further were Greek, Romans, Turks and East Indians.

A pack of tarot cards has 78 cards in it, The cards are categorized as Major Arcana or Minor Arcana. There are 22 Major Arcana cards which have images like the Fool, the High Priestess and the Devil. The 56 minor arcana cards have images of wands, swords, cups and pentacles instead of spades, clubs, hearts and diamonds found it normal playing cards.

The Major Arcana usually depict major life events and circumstances and the minor Arcana represents the minor day to day events which are represented within the 4 suits.

The answers one gets in the readings work on the basis of law of attraction, Whether you have a question in mind or say it out loud, or whether you ask something but actually are wanting to know something else, the cards that will open will always be in line with what is going on in your head at that point of time.

Your detailed reading also depends on how connected the reader is to the higher beings and the flow of information received from them, a reader who is connected will be able to guide you much better on the readings and what your next course of action should be.

The symbols on the cards conceal a certain meaning which express the reality of the divine world, the intellectual and the physical world. Each Arcanum is a law of human activity and their combination helps us understand the phenomena of life.

Let’s look at the meaning of some tarot cards to understand them better.

The Fool (Major Arcana) – this card has a man with a small satchel on his shoulder and a dog at his feet. He is looking up to the sky and is about to plunge into an abyss. This man symbolizes faith and optimism. He is taking the leap of faith by believing in his creator and leaving with only a small baggage while his dog, the companion, or things holding us chained on earth, is trying to keep him from jumping.

The High Priestess (Major Arcana) – she is queen like figure sitting on a throne surrounded by opposites such as darkness and light, positive energy and negative energy etc. In her hand is a scroll labelled Torah, which is a religious text indicating her connection with the divine. She tells us that we should follow our instincts and listen to ourselves more than we usually do.

The Devil (Major Arcana) – he appears to be connecting to the world above us while holding his power over our own world. Beneath the devil stand a man and a woman who are completely naked and shackled, however they appear calm. This is because they have been tricked by the devil into material pleasure. He indicates the pettiness in our nature and any trouble that we’re facing but have locked away from instead of facing it bravely.

Ace of Wand (Minor Arcana) – it has a picture of a staff which bears leaves. This symbolizes good things and fertility. The staff is so powerful and fertile that leaves are jutting out with force. This card means there will be a wave of positivity in your life.

Two of Pentacles (Minor Arcana) – this card shows a man juggling two pentacles with ease in front of a sea. This symbolizes the choices you make in your life every day and how they could mean new beginnings. The sea behind suggests the ups and downs of life. In all, this card tells you to believe in change and not resist it.

There are various ways of cutting the deck and doing a reading, some of the most common are 1 card or 3 card deck, the Celtic cross or any other reading which the reader and client are comfortable with.

It helps if you are clear in your mind about the question, then you tend to get spot on answers.

You must be wondering how a pack of cards can solve your trouble. But practitioners say that at the end of almost every session, their clients go home satisfied with their doubts cleared.


Source by Awnish Todi

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