World of Magic

Articles Zine

Ethics of Love Spells: Balancing Free Will & Consent

Love spells have been a topic of controversy for centuries, raising the question of whether it is ethical to cast spells on someone else without their consent. While some believe that love spells are harmless and can bring happiness, others argue that they are a violation of free will and can cause harm. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of love spells and consider the ethical implications before casting them.

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Articles Zine

An Introduction to Chaos Magic: Creating Spells without a Set Tradition

Chaos magic is a modern approach to spell-crafting that emphasizes individual creativity and personal belief over adherence to traditional magical systems. By embracing chaos and uncertainty, practitioners of chaos magic can tap into their own inner power to create effective spells and manifest their desires. In this introduction to chaos magic, we’ll explore the history and principles of this fascinating and dynamic magical tradition.

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