Keep Up With Your MBA Friend – Reference Book Review


There is a lot of knowledge that goes into the MBA programs at the top business schools in the United States. After all, it takes nearly 4 years to complete and there is a massive amount of studying that must be done to get that degree. What if I told you that you can get a pocket dictionary like encyclopedia of all the information in an MBA program all in one book?

It’s true, and I happen to have a copy of it. The name of the book is;

“The Vest Pocket MBA,” by Jae K. Shim Ph.D., Joel G Siegal Ph.D., and Abraham J. Simon Ph.D. CPA.

In this book there is information on advertising, marketing, promotion, public relations, packaging, factories, manufacturing, assembly lines, human resources, management, statistics, accounting, regulations, compliance, risk management, business planning, distribution, and everything else under the sun that you could possibly think of. If you’ve ever read a Cliff Notes, or picked up one of those college course note fold outs, then you are beginning to get the idea of what this book is all about.

It’s packed with information, all of which is easy to look up either by the table of contents or the index section. If you were an idiot savant and picked up this book, and paged through it, you would basically know everything there is to know to get an MBA. There are even case studies in this book. No, you would not have the experience of a seasoned corporate executive, but you would know exactly what they are thinking, and how they go about the planning process.

As an entrepreneur, who does not have an MBA, I have spent many hours with this book studying all the ins and outs to help improve my business. But it also has helped me talk to my friend who is an MBA using all his terminology, buzzwords and business jargon. If you are a small business owner of any type I recommend you have this book on your library shelves at home. Please consider all this.


Source by Lance Winslow

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