Indian Journalism


Journalism has come a long age in India. It has seen long changes in India. Today with entry of news channels and new print media, its concept are changing very fast. Toady this is a hot carrier option for the youth of India. Newer colleges are coming up every day to offer the journalism courses. Twenty years back there are very few selected individuals, who think of coming into journalism.

Rewards in term of money are not very high, but the risks associated are very. Corruption is at its pick. Media is mostly influenced by the political parties. More over the number of print media is very less and TV is in its initial stages. Therefore choosing a carrier in journalism at that time requires lot of guts. That’s why we are seeing these journalists as the Icons in their field.

Their name is like a brand image. Many news channels in India are just running due their brand names. However, in recent years there is significant change is seen in every thing. This is mainly due to two reasons, first the IT and seconds the emergence of cable TV in India. IT has played a big role in it. Indian government initiatives make it possible that internet reaches every town and village. Further competition in market reduced its prices drastically.

People got familiar with the internet. Now it is easy for them to interact with other and share their view.

News started circulating very fast. More and more information become accessible to common man. In India, before the emergence of cable TV, there are only one or two channels. But the cable TV concept revolutionized the Indian TV industry. New private TV channel started emerging. With boundaries broken by the digital media, the need for news gives birth to news channels. And success of them makes others to come in it.

These news channels provided the big opportunity, for many and helped in making the Indian journalism stronger. Print media has also seen a substantial growth in last few years. With the increasing education slandered, more demand for quality work emerged. Indian journalist got more opportunity due to this information demand. Indian journalist of being proficient in English, got lot of jobs opportunities available in the Western countries which also come into their hold. Internet is making them accessible to these jobs and opening a huge new market potential for them. Here we are going to witness a new era in Indian journalism


Source by Arvind Katoch

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