Horse Rides – What To Pack For A Horse Riding Adventure

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You ought to have a cowboy hat. You have to have leather chaps, right? Who would go horse riding without the chaps? Chaps and spurs. The spurs have to cling right you know, because you’ll just look ludicrous walking inside the bar, swinging the half-doors open when the spurs do not cling, right? Cowboy scenes and adventurous galloping always come to mind when you think of riding a horse. The riding essentials need not be solely made out of leather, and you can definitely have a galloping fun time without the spurs. Here are some really useful things to pack for your horse riding adventure.

1. Sunscreen and lip balm. Very important, commonly forgotten. You need to protect your skin from the harsh sun while riding and your lips from wind burn as you canter through the countryside.

2. Insect Repellent. Horse riding will bring you to some of the most secluded locations that are only accessible on horses. Apply insect repellent on your clothing to ward off mosquito and tick bites that may ruin your experience.

3. Long sleeved top preferably with a collar to protect your arms and neck from the sun’s rays. Comfortable jeans with smooth seams to avoid chafing most especially on the inner thigh that gets the most friction from the saddle while riding. It’s also advisable to wear lycra leggings under your jeans for added protection. Make sure you bring a spare or two of these pieces of clothing.

4. Riding boots. Contact the provider of your horse ride or an expert for the best affordable brands suitable for riding.

5. Wide brimmed hat preferably with a tie-down string to keep it secure when riding a horse.

6. Personal stash of necessary medication, first aid kit, water and in between snacks. Horse rides usually entail long trails under weather conditions that can wear you out easily. Never rely on the food and beverage provided as part of the adventure package. It is best to be prepared with some munchies if you feel like nibbling.

7. Cotton sweat absorbers or bandanas for your head.

8. Camera. Horse riding will take you to some amazing places, immortalize the experience and relive it by capturing it on film.

9. If you are planning to go on an overnight riding expedition, you may need to bring a sleeping bag. It is best to inquire from the outfitter if they provide some and even if they do, you just might prefer to use one of your own.

10. Always have a map of your the trail or route, and a compass. You never know when it may come in handy. After all, horse riding locations are not like anything you have been to before, it’s nice to be familiar with the place and have some navigational tools in case you need them.

Horse riding is a laid back relaxed activity that does not demand much equipment as compared to other outdoor activities. Most riding gear can come from your closet and be rented out from the outfitter. Apart from the basic skill and knowledge of riding a horse which will be taught to you as soon as you hit the stables, all you really need to remember to pack will be personal items essential to an outdoor activity. Pack lightly, bring only what you need to ensure that the horse will be less tired since you have not added much to its load.


Source by Hannah McEwen

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