Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life

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Let’s be frank from the onset: grief is inevitable in life and affects anyone regardless of creed, race, genders, and beliefs. There is no way to avoid grief, however, there are many ways to avoid that the damaging effects of a prolonged grieving period embed severe consequences on the lifestyle itself.

Thankfully, neuroscience comes our way and brings increasing evidence that our mind and body synergies can be worked with or accompanied and convert into long-lasting benefits what could instead alter and potentially severely damage health and lifestyle. Neuroscience informs us and confirms that mindfulness, gentle yoga, meditation, breathing, and a sustained discipline at dwelling into the mind and body synergies, embark us on a journey of self-discovery of the master that lives within us. So what are the benefits? First of all, correct breathing is essential. It improves the exchanges of oxygen and nutrients but it doesn’t’ stop there, it enhances the transportation of hemoglobin in the blood and as such clarifies the mind, keeps the brain healthy, maintains a balanced state of bio-chemicals exchanges in the body, and keep the endocrine and lymphatic systems in optimal conditions which in turn improves the natural immune defense mechanism of the body. Secondly, gentle yoga keeps the musculoskeletal and soft tissues in optimal conditions and guarantees the circulation of nutrients in the body and in conjunction with the mind, maintain the nervous system in a state of balance which is so critical to be able to rest and recuperate and dispel stress and its consequences. Lastly, mindfulness, and sustain focused attention on the mind and body interactions is also showing increasing benefits under the lens of neuroscience due to the plasticity of the brain. The mind is flexible and changes mind easily but the brain must follow and the conjunction of mindfulness, breathing, yoga is an outstanding cocktail for maintaining the body and mind in optimal conditions and, why not, agelessly healthy. Studies also point out that a regular yoga practice comes with exponential and long-lasting positive results in daily lifestyle activities such as meeting important deadlines with improved concentration, clarity in decision-making, and an overall sense of wellness at home and in the office, in social, leisure and private life.

The thought of Yoga as a Science may raise some eyebrows as is the statement “Yoga is not just work-out. The facts are that for the past 5,000 years Yoga has been codified in various forms several times before being now progressively prescribed by Allopathic General Practitioners as a form of exercise for its multilayer benefits. These benefits range from the most common weight-loss, cardio-vascular and respiratory dysfunctions, orthopedic misalignments arthritis, osteoporosis, hormonal dysfunctions, and migraines, but also cataracts, colds, and a wide range of somatic-psychological ailments such as depression, a variety of addictions, and anxiety. The convergence of Science and Medicine, holistic or allopathic alike, towards the common ground on the multiple benefits of a regular yoga practice, is an illustration of the power of the union of body and mind practices and its influences on wellness and wellbeing. Yoga as a science points to the subtle transformation of the cellular body from the rewiring of brain neurons to actual changes in the entire central nervous system. It is also a fact, informed by research that a regular practice of any style of yoga brings long-lasting benefits for a healthy and happy life.

Though the modern expression of Yoga in the contemporary, and often fashionable Yoga Studios around the world, is essentially narrowed down to physical practice, sprinkled with some mantras, breathing awareness, and a good dose of yoga fashion reinforcing the idea of yoga as a work-out, the facts are that whether the practitioner is setting the intention for improving one’s own being or just practicing, the benefits are swift, deep, transformative, effective and long-lasting. Yoga is the fastest growing industry worldwide. The practice of Yoga is a physical exercise involving all layers of the mind and body aiming at improving awareness of our own being. Regularity, a dash of discipline, a good dose of intention and mindfulness will speed up the improvement of one’s being due to the biochemistry at play in the cellular body. Neuroscience and testimonials on Yoga by a large variety of practitioners clearly summarise the most significant effects of yoga practice in a few words: clarity, awareness, quality breathing, flexibility, and a sense of inner wellness and balance, regeneration. Quality breathing has several benefits and illustrated by several medical and scientific studies.


Source by Isabella Dove

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