Hats Off to Maria Ressa – First Filipino Nobel Prize Laureate


Fighting for what you believe is right, sane and sound, is worth fighting for. No matter what the cost. Yes, life and limb must be at stake, but the impact it could give to other people’s welfare is immeasurable.

Recently, a Filipina journalist and advocate of freedom of expression, has been given a well-deserved award, fighting for what she believes to be basic for peace and democracy to thrive on.

Yes, none other than, Maria Angelita Ressa who, together with Dmitry Muratov of Russia, was given said accolade for an outstanding stance for lasting peace and democracy through freedom of the press and free expression. Yes, no country in this world would be in good standing to those who are safeguarding the collective consciousness against any attempt of disinformation, and the like. Exposing abuses and the like of those in power is not for a weakling to do, but for someone who can bite the bullet, unmindful of one’s safety. For there is a greater good that person is aiming for, working toward achieving something out of the situation at hand.

Freedom of speech and free expression are foundations for a strong society where every one has the right to be heard, opinion respected and sanity intact in a democracy.

To Maria Ressa, and the rest of our media personalities, who keeps on doing her job, may your tribe increase and your light be our guide in trudging the dark. No one can stop the desire to be of service to the greater good. No one can hinder the dreams of every Filipino to promote democracy which have freedom of the press and free expression being safeguarded at all times.

Well, let’s partake the distinction given to a Filipina who’s more than willing and able to sacrifice self comfort over majority’s well-being. Whether we have different opinion on this one, still having this kind of recognition proves one thing: there is value in every one of us, let that value be seen, felt and experience by all, in different fields of endeavor.

Whether we are for or against a leader, we should always remember that we need our freedom to live the fullest potentials while making a difference along the way to self-actualizing journey.

Speak your mind and be man of reason. Be your words serve as blessing to everyone especially the least, lost and left out.

An award is good, but doing good is in itself a good reward. Let’s spread good vibes and grind some more.


Source by Larry Icabandi Nabiong

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