Current Market Trends in Plus-Size Clothing

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As a nation, we are growing larger, our waistlines are expanding, and we are getting taller. However, fashion has yet to catch up fully, and many designers do not cater for the plus-size figure. For some women, clothing and style have become a nightmare, they have no idea where to shop for that must have plus size dress, or that perfect pair of plus size trousers. The fact remains that many of the world designers have yet to cotton on to the massive profit potential from the plus size clothing market.

Nevertheless, it seems that there are some designers that are beginning to tap into the market for plus size clothing, which is great for the 1 in 3 women in the UK who are a dress size 16 or over. Having said that, however, there are still many leading designers who have yet to create clothing ranges in a plus size for women. There are many reasons for their failure to cater to a larger audience, but the main reason is image, these designers believe that it would ruin their reputation, were they to begin to manufacture plus size clothing. The fashion industry is notoriously superficial, and the trend is set to continue for a while yet.

Taking the high street as an example, the majority of retailers cater for women up to, and including, a size 16, but beyond that, women will need to find alternative avenues, in order to satisfy their clothing requirements, particularly if they wish to look fashionable in what they are wearing.

Nevertheless, the horizon is changing, albeit slowly, and women who need to wear a plus size can now find clothing without much difficult. Many of the country’s leading supermarkets sell plus size clothing, including an extremely fashionable plus size dress or two. These supermarkets regularly update their lines, ensuring that women have access to all the latest fashions, regardless of their shape or size – a much more democratic approach to fashion than that of the fashionista.

Alternatively, and much more conveniently than buying clothes from the high street or the supermarket, women can purchase all their plus size clothing online. There are many reasons why internet shopping makes more sense than real world shopping, but the most important of these is the degree of choice the internet affords women of a larger size.

Whatever the occasion, a wedding, a night-out, a work do, or simply every day, there are suitable choices for plus size women online. The internet enables women to buy that ‘perfect plus size dress’, or those ‘perfect wide-fit boots’; literally, any item of fashionable clothing can be found in a plus size when looking online. Moreover, online prices are a lot more competitive than high street prices, so women can grab themselves a bargain, while buying great clothes that they would not be able to purchase from anywhere else.


Source by Martin Bows

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