Andalusite Gemstone

The lovely colours of olive green to brick red are displayed in fine detail by the bright pleochroism of andalusite. Beautiful jewellery is frequently created using this lovely combination of the two minerals kyanite and silimanite.

Meaning of Andalusite

The hardness of andalusite, a highly pleochroic gemstone, ranges from 7 to 7.5. Jewelry aficionados are frequently drawn to it by its intriguing hues and robustness. Although the mineral andalusite is common in nature, it rarely forms into crystals that are transparent enough to be facetted.

The majority of these jewels are mined in Brazil, where clay-covered slopes and creek bottoms are where they are discovered. Australia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and the US state of California’s Inyo Mountains are a few other well-known sources.

Trichroism in andalusite refers to the ability of a single gemstone to reflect yellow, olive-green, and reddish-brown hues. This gem’s colour reflection varies depending on the angle of observation and the way it was cut. Even when seen from a single angle, certain andalusite gemstones exhibit many colours.

Oval, marquise, or emerald cut gemstones typically reflect one colour in the middle and a darker hue at the extremities due to their long axes. In contrast, round and square-shaped diamonds frequently reflect a variety of hues. Andalusite rings and pendants, for example, are frequently made using these vibrant jewels.

Various Andalusite species

The chiastolite

A striking cross pattern may be seen in the interior cross-section of andalusite chiastolite crystals.


It is an andalusite variation that ranges from brilliant green to olive green.

The Cat’s Eye

In cabochons or Andalusite with a dome shape, fibrous inclusions can occasionally produce a chatoyant look. Such objects are incredibly rare, nevertheless.

Pricing and quality

There are various grades of andalusite stones for sale on the market. The question of how to tell an Andalusite of premium quality from one of average quality now emerges. The quality of an andalusite gemstone is determined by a number of things.


Small needle-like inclusions are common in andalusite, but as long as they do not interfere with the pleochroism, everything is good. Large andalusite that is eye-clean is very expensive. It is a material that is particularly favoured for jewellery because of its hardness range of 7 to 7.5.

Carat Weight 

Brazilian mined andalusite can weigh between 75 and 100 carats. However, the majority of places only produce andalusite gemstones that are little larger than 5 carats. When all other quality variables are held constant, larger stones are more expensive than smaller ones.


Andalusite cutting is essential since it is the cut that best exhibits pleochroism. Even from a single angle, gemstones cut with a long axis can appear to have lighter colour in the middle and darker hue at the ends.

The likelihood of the colours blending into a mosaic with two or three hues visible at once or with slight movement is higher in square or circular cut andalusite. Poorly cut gemstones lack lustre and a suitable reflection of the play of colour.


Before being found in Brazil and Sri Lanka, andalusite was only known as a collector’s item and was seldom ever seen polished. It is a well-liked jewellery gemstone due to its increased availability, remarkable hardness, and resistance to scratches.

Smaller gemstones are ideal for jewellery products because larger andalusite gems are hard to find and expensive to buy. Every time, its distinctive appearance draws attention. A gemstone with a hardness of 7.5 is regarded as having a high level of hardness and is ideal for crafting into any type of jewellery. Deep brown and green hues seem incredibly alluring when applied on silvery and golden metals.

  • By transforming bad energy into positive ones, andalusite is supposed to protect against evil spirits or thoughts. Additionally, it is said to be beneficial for reducing stress, treating depression, balancing hormones, and promoting self-confidence.
  • With a hardness rating of 7.5 on the Mohs scale, andalusite gemstones are resistant to daily use. But it is always advised to use lukewarm soapy water and a soft brush to clean your andalusite stone. After washing the stone, be careful to thoroughly rinse it. Your Andalusite shouldn’t be steam cleaned.

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