Use Canonical Tags to Avoid Duplicate Content Issues


Canonical Tags: As a website owner or webmaster, you want your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). One of the essential elements of good SEO practices is avoiding duplicate content issues. Duplicate content can harm your website’s ranking, and it can be challenging to fix. Fortunately, there is a simple solution: canonical tags.

What are Canonical Tags?

A canonical tag is an HTML tag that tells search engines which version of a web page is the preferred one. It helps to avoid duplicate content issues when the same content appears on multiple pages on your website. The tag indicates to search engines that the content on the tagged page is the original or primary content. The tag’s main purpose is to help search engines understand which page’s content should be ranked in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Why Use Canonical Tags?

Canonical tags are essential to prevent duplicate content issues on your website. Duplicate content can occur in several ways, such as:

  • Different URLs for the same page.
  • Slightly different versions of the same content.
  • HTTP and HTTPS versions of the same page.
  • Mobile and desktop versions of the same page.

When search engines find identical or very similar content on multiple pages, they can struggle to determine which page is the most relevant and useful to users. This confusion can lead to lower rankings for all pages and potentially hurt your website’s overall SEO performance.

Using canonical tags can help to consolidate ranking signals and improve your website’s overall SEO. They can also help to ensure that the right version of a page is displayed to users when there are multiple versions available.

When Should You Use Canonical Tags?

You should use canonical tags when you have two or more pages on your website with similar or identical content. This situation can occur in several ways:

  • When you have multiple URLs for the same page.
  • When you have a mobile and desktop version of the same page.
  • When you have slightly different versions of the same content.

If you don’t use canonical tags, search engines will have to decide which page to rank, and they may not choose the one you prefer. In addition, duplicate content can lead to lower rankings for all pages, so it’s essential to address this issue as soon as possible.

How to Implement Canonical Tags?

Implementing canonical tags is a simple process. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Identify the Pages with Duplicate Content

The first step is to identify the pages on your website with duplicate content. You can use tools like Google Search Console or Screaming Frog to identify pages with similar content.

Step 2: Choose the Preferred Page

Once you’ve identified the pages with duplicate content, you need to choose the preferred page. The preferred page should have the most comprehensive and up-to-date content. It should also be the page that you want to rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Step 3: Add the Canonical Tag

Once you’ve identified the preferred page, you need to add the canonical tag to the other pages with duplicate content. You can add the tag in the HTML header of the page using the following syntax:

<link rel=”canonical” href=”

Make sure to replace “” with the URL of your preferred page.

Step 4: Test the Implementation

Finally, you should test the implementation to ensure that the canonical tags are working correctly. You can use tools like Google Search Console or third-party SEO tools to check for any errors or issues with the canonical tags.

It’s also essential to regularly monitor your website for any new instances of duplicate content. As your website grows and evolves, new duplicate content issues can arise, so it’s essential to stay vigilant and address any issues promptly.


Canonical tags are a crucial tool for website optimization, particularly for SEO. They help to avoid duplicate content issues and ensure that search engines understand which version of a page is the preferred one. By using canonical tags correctly, you can consolidate ranking signals and improve your website’s overall SEO performance.

When implementing canonical tags, it’s important to identify pages with duplicate content, choose the preferred page, and add the canonical tag to the other pages. It’s also important to regularly monitor your website for any new instances of duplicate content and address them promptly.

Overall, canonical tags are an essential element of any website optimization strategy, and they can help to improve your website’s ranking and visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

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