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5 Useful Duotrope Tools You Haven’t Utilized Yet


  1. The “Top 25” Lists – Slothful, Swift, Challenging, Approachable

    Especially for those of you who are curious about statistics, Duotrope’s “top 25” lists will be interesting to you as well as helpful in finding new markets to try. Let’s start with my favourite – the 25 most approachable listed markets. These are the magazines and websites that accept the most manuscripts. (Think you’d never see a site with a 100% acceptance ratio? Think again.) These are great for starting out; I’ve submitted to five of these myself. Perhaps if you would like to test the novelty of your writing, you will try one of “The Challenging” markets; these are the 25 journals that reject more manuscripts than anyone else. If you want quick responses, try submitting to one of the 25 fastest markets (is 0-3 days fast enough for you?); or send a manuscript you don’t particularly care about to the slowest markets in the publishing world (some take over a year to respond!).

  2. Glossary of Terms

    New to Duotrope? Familiarize yourself with the terminology used on the site by visiting the glossary of terms. What does the abbreviation “DNQ” mean? How many words are in a novelette? And how much is “semi-pro” payment, exactly? Answers to these questions and many more can be found in this handy guide to Duotropian vocab.

  3. Editor Interviews

    You’ve seen the publisher’s website and searched through the submissions guidelines with a fine tooth comb. But you want to know more about the market and editors before you submit. Have you checked to see if Duotrope has interviewed the editor? What kind of books do they like to read? How do they handle your submission when considering it? What mistakes can you avoid that many others have made? If there are any hints or tips to getting published by this market, they will be found here. You can browse through the list of interviews to find editors that are looking for writing like yours.

  4. E-Newsletter – The Weekly Wire

    Want to keep track of deadlines and be notified when new magazines are listed on Duotrope? I’ve found it rewarding to contribute to magazines when they’re just starting out; fledgling magazines tend to be more approachable and personal in their responses to submissions, and there’s always something special about contributing to the first issue of any magazine. Subscribe to Duotrope’s free e-newsletter The Weekly Wire to be among the first to know when new literary journals come onto the scene.

  5. Tips – Info for Writers

    Feeling a little nervous about writing to professional editors? Not sure how to start? Good thing Duotrope has an information page for new visitors and writers. Complete with do’s and don’ts of writing cover letters, tracking submissions, and more, this list is perfect for preparing you for many adventures in publishing your work.


Source by Michaela Tashjian

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